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We deliver our advisory services via any of the following arrangements:  


Consulting: Expert advice on saline water cycle management from design, planning to monitoring, regulatory reporting, and treatment in multiple areas of expertise, including:

  • Recovery of water and mineral products for waste minimisation

  • Assessment of options for treatment of effluents generated by washing of APCr and flyash residues, for either safe disposal or reuse of washed solid residues

  • Reduction of the salt load of saline impoundments, through mineral recovery for extending the operating life of the impoundments

  • Sample analysis and petrographic description of sediment/evaporite drill cuttings from salt dome exploration programs, and development of waste brine management strategies for solution mining projects related to hydrogen storage in salt dome basins

  • Independent expert review of technical reports related to saline waste treatment on behalf of mining and engineering companies, municipalities, utilities, and regulatory agencies


Desktop Studies: Including prefeasibility and feasibility studies. As an expert consultant and supplier of the technologies driving our sustainable saline waste and PFAS residuals disposal solutions, we are uniquely placed to undertake integrated lifecycle assessments (LCA) and techno-economic assessments (TEA) on behalf of our clients.

Testing and test rig scale evaluations: for preparing design packages for piloting projects.

Contract R&D: on behalf of our clients seeking proprietary solutions that are optimised for compatibility with local, state, and national regulatory guidelines, whilst minimising the environmental liabilities of our clients. Generation of site-specific IP, related to and owned by the client, and post-licencing support.

By harnessing the power of our sustainable saline waste treatment technologies, and using our deep knowledge of industry needs, Impactus VAP is uniquely placed to assist its clients with reducing their footprint through recovery of value-added products from their saline waste streams and potentially earning carbon offsets.

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